
Who am I?

Probably a combi­na­tion of skate­boarder, artist, God and Phil­an­thro­pist, but most of all, I am a DJ, expres­sing my inspi­ra­tional life and emotions through my music.

I was raised in a small Seattle family, but I grew tired of the weather in Seattle and at age 16, I escaped to Florida. I am a fan of nature and when not DJ’ing, you can find me near beaches and palm trees.

I feel blessed because I now have the option to play music at great venues in places with warm weather. Ibiza and Bali are the main loca­tions I like to play at, but I do visit Florida from time to time.

DJ/BEAVER might sound strange, but there is a logical expl­ana­tion to the name. I am a huge fan of Justin Bieber and I was once atta­cked by a beaver with rabies, so, the name is actually short for Doctor Justin Beaver.

Peace & Love.

1940 Richards Avenue
Gustine, CA 95322
Phone: 209–854-1580


Florida DJ Festival

If you want to expe­ri­ence a true DJ Festival, Florida is the place to go. 3 days in company with some of the best DJ’s in the world. Hurry up, tickets for this venue are selling fast.

Ibiza Lounge Party

A small gig in luxury settings. Only a few tickets will be sold, expen­sive but one hot gig for sure.

Bingo Beats

Charity event at the Bali Bingo Hall where I DJ for the local bingo players. A fun, but diffe­rent show. Limited tickets, so hurry up. Due to the popu­la­rity of this gig, we have a second session on the 14th of August.

Bingo Beats Part 2

See «Bingo Beats» for more information.

Bali Beauty Show

Can’t wait to host and DJ at this event. The most beau­tiful people of Bali compe­ting to win the annual beauty contest. Chill beats, beach and drinks – win win!

Epic Elec­tronic

Back to the old school sound of DJ’ing. I will be teaming up with some of my all time favo­rite DJ’s and deli­ve­ring a party like never before. Names will be announced soon.


Just Chillin´

2012 EP
Live at Bali Bling Beach

My Spanish Senorita

2014 Single
Ibiza Seno­rita Re-mix

Night­time Cruzin´

2013 LP

The Florida Sessions

2016 LP
Limited White Vinyl

Best place on earth?

2015 Single
The Rayban Rocket Re-mix


2015 Single
Christmas Sun Mixes

Skating in the sand

2016 EP
Live at the Bali Ballroom

Number 17

2016 Single
The Reflec­tion on my life re-mix